Monday, October 5, 2009

All About Newfoundland!

Newfoundland's history is long and fascinating. Newfoundland is a land of contrasts. Newfoundland is full of people who did things throughout history. Newfoundland, like most islands, is surrounded by water on all sides. Newfoundland has various types of flora and fauna. The Newfoundland economy is based on the goods and services its people can provide, as well as those which occur naturally. Newfoundland has abundant water, land, and air. The soil of Newfoundland is poorly suited to growing corn, or as the Indians called it, maize. The population of Newfoundland is exactly the same as the number of people living there. Newfoundland joined Canada at some point in the past. Newfoundland has a flag, which represents some quality or qualities of Newfoundland or its people. Also, Newfoundland was discovered by Europeans, also at some point in the past, possibly quite a long time ago. In conclusion, Newfoundland is a land of contrasts.

For more in-depth discussions of these and other valid points regarding Newfoundland, please read these Wikipedia articles in their entirety. There will likely be a test for all those not born on the island.

The Island of Newfoundland
The Province of Newfoundland & Labrador
The City of St. John's
The Flag of Newfoundland

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